PostgreSQL for governments and public services

PostgreSQL has been widely adopted by governments and public institutions around the globe. In the past couple of years governments have started to rely on PostgreSQL for many reasons and some governments have even decided to actively support and enhance PostgreSQL.

Modernize your database infrastructure and eliminate expensive commercial software through the systematic consolidation and integration of database assets.

Why should governments use PostgreSQL?

PostgreSQL is the ideal platforms for governments and public services because it offers a number of advantages over commercial software, which are especially important in the public sector:

  • No vendor lock
  • Code is open and can be checked
  • No malware or spyware
  • No forced upgrades

We offer fair support prices and prompt responses in case of failure and help to set up secure and reliable infrastructures.

Saving on license costs and reducing TCO

PostgreSQL is a free Open Source database and therefore there is no need to pay for expensive commercial licenses. However, saving on license costs is just one factor determining the TCO (= Total Cost of Ownership). There are also support costs and labor costs, which come into play. In this area PostgreSQL will also excel because CYBERTEC is able to offer highly-competitive support prices driving down the TCO even further.

 Commercial database systemsPostgreSQL with CYBERTEC support
License costs100%-100%
Support costs100%-80 to -90%
Administration100%up to -80%

Citizens want modern, mobile access to affordable solutions and database services and Open Source can help to achieving this goal.

If you want to learn more about potential savings, contact us today.

Using Open Source to gain independence

Open Source is not only about cost – it is also about independence and the necessity to run software over a long period of time. PostgreSQL is ideal in both cases because there is no vendor lock and you can run your applications basically infinitely.

CYBERTEC supports old version of PostgreSQL forever.

We DO NOT outphase support.

We guarantee that software is supported infinitely to ensure that your investments are safe and durable.

CYBERTEC: Special government offerings

We offer special support contract for governments and public service organizations as well as for international organizations. Our team has a lot of experience with length procurement processes and will try to make the process for you as efficient as possible.

Professional help

Contact us today to receive your personal offer from CYBERTEC. We offer timely delivery, professional handling, and 20 years of PostgreSQL experience.

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