Data Science

Data Science is the art of gaining knowledge from data, or of getting meaning into large databases. Due to the growing digitalization, industry 4.0 and IoT (Internet of Things), the amount of data collected is exploding. Statistics reveal that today we store as much data in just two days, as we did from the beginning of civilised mankind until the year 2000. Data science is an indispensible factor for the world of business, industry and research and it is gaining enormous importance.

Data Growth over the Years
Big Data: Massive Data Growth over the Years


Data science is the general term and basis for numerous technological disciplines such as

In order to use all these technologies wisely, effectively and profitably, proven specialists are required to support you in creating and implementing the right data strategy, architecture, infrastructure and the development of algorithms.


Process of Data Science
Data Science: How it works


CYBERTEC has specialised in these services for many years and has an international team of data scientists, architects and engineers. We support our customers worldwide in generating sustainable value from their data.

  • sensor technology
  • financial data
  • insurance data
  • control data
  • geodata
  • healthcare…

Read this blog post to find out, why you should use PostgreSQL to get the most value out of your data.

Artificial Intelligence VS Machine Learning VS Deep Learning

Artificial Intelligence vs Machine Learning vs Deep Learning
Data Science: What is Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning?

Machine Learning

Machine Learning
Machine Learning: How it works

CYBERTEC supports you in evaluating your database according to your wishes as well as your specifications and making it available for further processing. If required, we will take care of developing individual software that corresponds exactly to your application.

Want to learn more about Machine Learning?

Data Science Quote

Examples of Using Data Science in Industry and Research

Implementation of Artificial Intelligence

In 2018, 70% of all companies were expecting the implementation of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning within the next twelve months. Of these, 20% assume that future business-critical decisions can be made automatically and 25% demand simple dashboards and interfaces for analyses and evaluations.

Financial sector:

  • Minimization of errors and wrong decisions
  • Fraud Detection: Automatic detection of any abnormal financial behavior
  • Predictive analytics and market research (e.g. stock market prices)
  • Chatbots and automatic assistance systems


  • Proactive identification of symptoms and diseases (e.g. cancer cells)
  • Surgical interventions with robotic assistance systems that learn from historical data

Trade and commercial providers:

  • Improved recommendation systems
  • Search by image recognition system instead of text input
  • Automatic analysis of customers’ mood and behaviour
  • Predictive merchandising and automatic price adjustment


  • Detailed sensorial evaluations – Predictive Maintenance
  • Better decisions by learning historical data
  • Improved automatic image and object recognition (e.g. autonomous driving systems)

Professional help

Contact us today to learn how CYBERTEC can help you implement Data Science with PostgreSQL. We offer prompt delivery, professional work and 20 years of PostgreSQL experience.

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CYBERTEC PostgreSQL International GmbH
Römerstraße 19
2752 Wöllersdorf

+43 (0) 2622 93022-0

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