Wikipedia is one of the most relevant collections of text data on the Internet today. It consists of countless entries covering pretty much every topic conceivable. Therefore Wikipedia is an interesting collection of text to play with. To prepare for my talk at the PostgreSQL conference in Vienna, we decided to import Wikipedia into PostgreSQL. The goal is to see which settings are most suitable for indexing Wikipedia, using the creation of a GIN index.

The structure of the table is pretty simple:

test=# \d wiki_articles
Table "public.wiki_articles"
  Column  |  Type   | Modifiers
 page_id  | integer | not null
 title    | text    |
 content  | text    |
 filtered | text    |
  "wiki_articles_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (page_id)
Tablespace: "myspace"

Overall, the size of the table adds up to around 27 GB. We store the title, the raw content as well as some filtered content, which does not contain mark-up anymore.

The size of the filtered column is as follows:

test=# \timing
Timing is on.
test=# SELECT sum(length(filtered)) FROM wiki_articles ;
(1 row)

Time: 181819.396 ms

Wikipedia statistics

Given the very special nature of this corpus, it seems interesting to inspect the distribution of values inside those texts. PostgreSQL has some simple means to gather this information:

test=# CREATE TABLE wiki_stats AS
SELECT      *
FROM        ts_stat('SELECT to_tsvector(''english'', filtered) 
                     FROM wiki_articles') ;

Time: 3925449.024 ms

A full CPU core will consume about 4-7 MB / sec from disk when this query is executed. This is far lower than what the test hardware can provide. The operation is surprisingly expensive.

Here is what vmstat says:

procs -----------memory---------- ---swap-- -----io---- -system-- ------cpu-----
r  b   swpd   free   buff  cache   si   so    bi    bo   in   cs us sy id wa st
2  0  51012  88076    992 15708304    0    0  3896     0 1154  489 12  0 87  0  0
1  0  51012  88324    992 15706008    0    0  4024     0 1155  512 12  0 87  0  0
1  0  51012  94276    992 15696848    0    0  3964     0 1158  488 12  0 87  0  0
2  0  51012  96260    992 15692184    0    0  3892     0 1161  508 12  0 87  0  0
1  0  51012  95388    992 15689188    0    0  4104    10 1187  566 12  0 87  0  0
1  0  51004  96344    992 15686012    8    0  4296     0 1190  660 12  0 87  0  0

Indexing speed

Let’s do some speed tests now. The first observation is that indexing on a function is incredibly slow:

test=# SET maintenance_work_mem TO '1 MB';
Time: 0.353 ms

test=# CREATE INDEX idx_gin ON wiki_articles
   USING gin(to_tsvector('english', filtered));

Time: 7411870.102 ms

After materializing the tsvector column, things are a lot faster. Calculating the stemmed representation of the input is a major speed issue:

test=# CREATE TABLE wiki_ts AS
   SELECT page_id, to_tsvector('english', title) AS title,
          to_tsvector('english', filtered)
   FROM   wiki_articles ;

test=# SET maintenance_work_mem TO '1 MB';
Time: 0.326 ms

test=# \d wiki_ts
Table "public.wiki_ts"
   Column    |   Type   | Modifiers
 page_id     | integer  |
 title       | tsvector |
 to_tsvector | tsvector |
Tablespace: "myspace"

test=# CREATE INDEX idx_ts_to ON wiki_ts USING gin (to_tsvector);

Time: 4478601.021 ms

Increasing memory certainly helps in case of GIN.

NOTE: This is not necessarily the case if you are using btree indexes:

Here is some performance data:

maintenance_work_mem Index creation

1 MB 4478 seconds
16 MB 2307 seconds
64 MB 1410 seconds
256 MB 1173 seconds
1024 MB 1171 seconds
4096 MB 1160 seconds
12 GB 1160 seconds

The build process speeds up dramatically with more memory. However, it is interesting to see that the curve flattens out pretty soon. At 256 MB we already see pretty much the best we can expect. More memory does not improve the situation anymore.

It is interesting to admit that we are not I/O bound but CPU bound. A better I/O system won’t speed up things anymore.

The size of the index in PostgreSQL is roughly 3 GB:

test=# SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('idx_ts_to'));
2993 MB
(1 row)

Time: 0.524 ms

In case you need any assistance, please feel free to contact us.

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