PostgreSQL indexing: Index scan vs. Bitmap scan vs. Sequential scan (basics)

02.2018 / Category: / Tags: |

Many people ask about index scans in PostgreSQL. This blog is meant to be a basic introduction to the topic. Many people aren't aware of what the optimizer does when a single query is processed. I decided to show how a table can be accessed and give examples. Let's get started with PostgreSQL indexing.

Indexes are the backbone of good performance. Without proper indexing, your PostgreSQL database might be in dire straits and end users might complain about slow queries and bad response times. It therefore makes sense to see which choices PostgreSQL makes when a single column is queried.

Preparing some demo data in PostgreSQL

To show you how things work we can use a table:

If your table is almost empty, you will never see an index scan, because it might be too much overhead to consult an index - it is cheaper to just scan the table directly and throw away whatever rows which don't match your query.

So to demonstrate how an index actually works, we can add 10 million random rows to the table we just created before:

Then an index is created:

After loading so much data, it is a good idea to create optimizer statistics in case autovacuum has not caught up yet. The PostgreSQL optimizer needs these statistics to decide on whether to use an index or not:

In PostgreSQL a btree uses Lehman-Yao High-Concurrency btrees (which will be covered in more detail in a later blog).

postgresql indexing b-tree

postgresql indexing b-tree


Selecting a small subset of data in PostgreSQL

When only a small set of rows is selected, PostgreSQL can directly ask the index. In this case it can even use an “Index Only Scan” because all columns needed are actually already in the index:

Selecting only a handful of rows will be super efficient using the index. However, if more data is selected, scanning the index AND the table will be too expensive.

PostgreSQL indexing: Selecting a lot of data from a table in PostgreSQL

However, if you select a LOT of data from a table, PostgreSQL will fall back to a sequential scan. In this case, reading the entire table and just filtering out a couple of rows is the best way to do things.

Here is how it works:

PostgreSQL will filter out those unnecessary rows and just return the rest. This is really the ideal thing to do in this case. A sequential scan is therefore not always bad - there are use cases where a sequential scan is actually perfect.

Still: Keep in mind that scanning large tables sequentially too often will take its toll at some point.

PostgreSQL: Making use of bitmap scans

If you only select a handful of rows, PostgreSQL will decide on an index scan - if you select a majority of the rows, PostgreSQL will decide to read the table completely. But what if you read too much for an index scan to be efficient but too little for a sequential scan? The solution to the problem is to use a bitmap scan. The idea behind a bitmap scan is that a single block is only used once during a scan. It can also be very helpful if you want to use more than one index to scan a single table.

Here is what happens:

PostgreSQL will first scan the index and compile those rows / blocks which are needed at the end of the scan. Then PostgreSQL will take this list and go to the table to really fetch those rows. The beauty is that this mechanism even works if you are using more than just one index.

Bitmaps scans are therefore a wonderful contribution to performance.

postgresql bitmap scan

Read more about how foreign key indexing affects performance, and how to find missing indexes in Laurenz Albe's blog.


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8 responses to “PostgreSQL indexing: Index scan vs. Bitmap scan vs. Sequential scan (basics)”

  1. Nice article. Thanks.

    I got confused by the below one. Can you help me?

    > However, if you select a LOT of data from a table, PostgreSQL will fall back to a sequential scan.
    how can Postgres know you are selecting a LOT of data before getting the search result?

  2. Not sure why PG would need to look at the table blocks at all if it can scan the index (which is in your example covering the only column). Why would it go through all the trouble of creating a bitmap for the data blocks and then reading those if it already had all values checked in the index?

    (It also looks a bit unclear why it would prefer a sequence scan over a Index only scan for 5% rows. Would it use the index scan longer if the unread part of the rows are bigger?)

    • An index cannot help much here, because all rows have to be scanned in order to count them.

      If "sampletable" has many columns, and index only scan might be used, but only if the table has been VACUUMed recently, so that PostgreSQL doesn't have to perform heap fetches to determine if a row is visible or not.

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