PostgreSQL for Startups

CYBERTEC offers attractive solutions to Startup and Dot-Coms and proposes new levels of partnership

Startup and Dot-Com businesses have special requirements. CYBERTEC honors this fact by proposing special types of partnerships:

Dot-Coms and Startups can pay up to 30% of their services in shared or stock options. This helps startups to reduce investment costs and it makes sure that a stable, long term partnership can be established. In addition to that, Dot-Coms and Startups can rely on our expertise and know-how. CYBERTEC is able to build large scale systems giving Startups the chance to scale almost infinitely.

If you are interested in hearing more – feel free to contact us anytime.

Professional help

Contact us today to receive your personal offer from CYBERTEC. We offer timely delivery, professional handling, and over 20 years of PostgreSQL experience.

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CYBERTEC PostgreSQL International GmbH
Römerstraße 19
2752 Wöllersdorf

+43 (0) 2622 93022-0

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