Scalefield - Get a first impression

Scalefield is a product developed by CYBERTEC that allows you to easily host PostgreSQL within your own private cloud. Check out these screenshots and get your first impression of Scalefield:

Landing Page

Landing Page - Scalefield

Project Overview

Project Overview - Scalefield

Cluster Overview

Cluster Overview - Scalefield

Cluster Notifications

Cluster Notification: Status - Scalefield
Cluster Notification: Configuration - Scalefield

Order Process

Order Process 1 - Scalefield

Order Process

Order Process 2 - Scalefield

Backup Configuration

Backup Configuration - Scalefield

Cluster Parameters (pg_config)

Cluster Parameters - Scalefield

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CYBERTEC PostgreSQL International GmbH
Römerstraße 19
2752 Wöllersdorf

+43 (0) 2622 93022-0

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