Tag: data modeling

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Using AI to generate data structures for PostgreSQL

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 07.2024
Artificial Intelligence is the motto of the day. Everybody is talking about it, everybody seems to know what it means […]

Conditional foreign keys and polymorphism in SQL: 4 Methods

by Laurenz Albe | 08.2023
  This article is about the notoriously difficult problem of “conditional foreign keys”. In object-oriented programming languages, polymorphism is a […]

Practical Examples of Data Normalization in PostgreSQL

by Michał Małecki | 01.2022
Normalization by OsmosisPart 2: Practical Examples of Data Normalization in PostgreSQL Having gone through a theoretical introduction in part 1, […]

JSON in PostgreSQL: how to use it right

by Laurenz Albe | 09.2021
  The comprehensive JSON support in PostgreSQL is one of its best-loved features. Many people – particularly those with a […]

Insert-only data modelling to smooth peaks on slow disks

by CYBERTEC Guest | 11.2020
A few years ago, I wrote a short post on a similar topic; since then, I’ve often seen that the […]

Insert-only data modeling with PostgreSQL?

by CYBERTEC Guest | 08.2016
By Kaarel Moppel - In recent years, there has been quite a lot of buzz about “insert-only” approaches and some […]
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