Motörhead sings about deferred constraint triggers
 © Laurenz Albe 2019


Sometimes you want to enforce a condition on a table that cannot be implemented by a constraint. In such a case it is tempting to use triggers instead. This article describes how to do this and what to watch out for.

It will also familiarize you with the little-known PostgreSQL feature of “constraint triggers”.

A test case

Suppose we have a table of prisons and a table of prison guards:

Then we have a junction table that stores which guard is on duty in which prison:

So, Alice is on duty in Karlau, and Bob and Chris are on duty in Stein.

Naïve implementation of a constraint as trigger

As guards go on and off duty, rows are added to and deleted from on_duty. We want to establish a constraint that at least one guard has to be on duty in any given prison.

Unfortunately there is no way to write this as a normal database constraint (if you are tempted to write a CHECK constraint that counts the rows in the table, think again).

But it would be easy to write a BEFORE DELETE trigger that ensures the condition:

But, as we will see in the next section, we made a crucial mistake here.

What is wrong with our trigger constraint?

Imagine Bob wants to go off duty.

The prison guard application runs a transaction like the following:

Now if Chris happens to have the same idea at the same time, the following could happen (the highlighted lines form a second, concurrent transaction):

Now the first transaction has not yet committed when the second UPDATE runs, so the trigger function running in the second transaction cannot see the effects of the first update. That means that the second transaction succeeds, both guards go off duty, and the prisoners can escape.

You may think that this is a rare occurrence and you can get by ignoring that race condition in your application. But don't forget there are bad people out there, and they may attack your application using exactly such a race condition (in the recent fad of picking impressive names for security flaws, this has been called an ACIDRain attack).

Do normal constraints have the same problem?

Given the above, you may wonder if regular constraints are subject to the same problem. After all, this is a consequence of PostgreSQL's multi-version concurrency control (MVCC).

When checking constraints, PostgreSQL also checks rows that would normally not be visible to the current transaction. This is against the normal MVCC rules but guarantees that constraints are not vulnerable to this race condition.

You could potentially do the same if you write a trigger function in C, but few people are ready to do that. With trigger functions written in any other language, you have no way to “peek” at uncommitted data.

Solving the problem with “pessimistic locking”

We can avoid the race condition by explicitly locking the rows we check. This effectively serializes data modifications, so it reduces concurrency and hence performance.

Don't consider locking the whole table, even if it seems a simpler solution.

Our trigger now becomes a little more complicated. We want to avoid deadlocks, so we will make sure that we always lock rows in the same order. For this we need a statement level trigger with a transition table (new since v10):

This technique is called “pessimistic locking” since it expects that there will be concurrent transactions that “disturb” our processing. Such concurrent transactions are preemptively blocked. Pessimistic locking is a good strategy if conflicts are likely.

Solving the probem with “optimistic locking”

Different from pessimistic locking, “optimistic locking” does not actually lock the contended objects. Rather, it checks that no concurrent transaction has modified the data between the time we read them and the time we modify the database.

This improves concurrency, and we don't have to change our original trigger definition. The downside is that we must be ready to repeat a transaction that failed because of concurrent data modifications.

The most convenient way to implement optimistic locking is to raise the transaction isolation level. In our case, REPEATABLE READ is not enough to prevent inconsistencies, and we'll have to use SERIALIZABLE.

All transactions that access jail_app.on_duty must start like this:

Then PostgreSQL will make sure that concurrent transactions won't succeed unless they are serializable. That means that the transactions can be ordered so that serial execution of the transactions in this order would produce the same result.

If PostgreSQL cannot guarantee this, it will terminate one of the transactions with

This is a serialization error (SQLSTATE 40001) and doesn't mean that you did something wrong. Such errors are normal with isolation levels above READ COMMITTED and tell you to simply retry the transaction.

Optimistic locking is a good strategy if conflicts are expected to occur only rarely. Then you don't have to pay the price of repeating the transaction too often.

It should be noted that SERIALIZABLE comes with a certain performance hit. This is because PostgreSQL has to maintain additional “predicate locks”. See the documentation for performance considerations.

What about these “constraint triggers”?

Finally, PostgreSQL has the option to create “constraint triggers” with CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER. It sounds like such triggers could be used to avoid the race condition.

Constraint triggers respect the MVCC rules, so they cannot “peek” at uncommitted rows of concurrent transactions. But the trigger execution can be deferred to the end of the transaction. They also have an entry in the pg_constraint system catalog.

Note that constraint triggers have to be AFTER triggers FOR EACH ROW, so we will have to rewrite the trigger function a little:

By making the trigger INITIALLY DEFERRED, we tell PostgreSQL to check the condition at COMMIT time. This will reduce the window for the race condition a little, but the problem is still there. If concurrent transactions run the trigger function at the same time, they won't see each other's modifications.

If constraint triggers don't live up to the promise in their name, why do they have that name? The answer is in the history of PostgreSQL: CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER was originally used “under the hood” to create database constraints. Even though that is no more the case, the name has stuck. “Deferrable trigger” would be a better description.


If you don't want to be vulnerable to race conditions with a trigger that enforces a constraint, use locking or higher isolation levels.

Constraint triggers are not a solution.

Further reading

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Have you ever heard about cursors in PostgreSQL or in SQL in general? If not you should definitely read this article in depth and learn how to reduce memory consumption in PostgreSQL easily. Cursors have been around for many years and are in my judgement one of the most underappreciated feature of all times. Therefore, it makes sense to take a closer look at cursors and see what they can be used for.

The purpose of a cursor in PostgreSQL

Consider the following example:

I have created a table, which contains 10 million rows so that we can play with the data. Let us run a simple query now:

The first thing you will notice is that the query does not return immediately. There is a reason for that: PostgreSQL will send the data to the client and the client will return as soon as ALL the data has been received. If you happen to select a couple thousand rows, life is good, and everything will be just fine. However, what happens if you do a “SELECT * ...” on a table containing 10 billion rows? Usually the client will die with an “out of memory” error and your applications will simply die. There is no way to keep such a large table in memory. Throwing even more RAM at the problem is not feasible either.


DECLARE CURSOR and FETCH can come to the rescue. What is the core idea? We can fetch data in small chunks and only prepare the data at the time it is fetched - not earlier. Here is how it works:

The first important thing to notice is that a cursor can only be declared inside a transaction. However, there is more: The second important this is that DECLARE CURSOR itself is lightning fast. It does not calculate the data yet but only prepares the query so that your data can be created when you call FETCH. To gather all the data from the server you can simply run FETCH until the resultset is empty. At the you can simply commit the transaction.

Note that a cursor is closed on commit as you can see in the next listing:

The FETCH command is ways more powerful than most people think. It allows you to navigate in your resultset and fetch rows as desired:

Cursors are an easy and efficient way to retrieve data from the server. However, you have to keep one thing in mind: Latency. Asking the network for one row at a time will add considerable network overhead (latency). It therefore makes sense to fetch data in reasonably large chunks. I found it useful to fetch 10.000 rows at a time. 10.000 can still reside in memory easily while still ensuring reasonably low networking overhead. Of course, I highly encourage you to do your own experience to see, what is best in your specific cases.

Cursors in PostgreSQL and how to use them


Cursors and the PostgreSQL optimizer

Cursors are treated by the optimizer in a special way. If you are running a “normal” statement PostgreSQL will optimize for total runtime. It will assume that you really want all the data and optimize accordingly. However, in case of a cursor it assumes that only a fraction of the data will actually be consumed by the client. The following example shows, how this works:

I have created a table, which contains 1 million random rows. Finally, I have created a simple index. To make sure that the example works I have told the optimizer that indexes are super expensive (random_page_cost):

Let us take a look at an example now: If the query is executed as cursor you will notice that PostgreSQL goes for an index scan to speed up the creation of the first 10% of the data. If the entire resultset is fetched, PostgreSQL will go for a sequential scan and sort the data because the index scan is considered to be too expensive:

The main question arising now is: How does the optimizer know that the first 10% should be fast and that we are not looking for the entire resultset? A runtime setting is going to control this kind of behavior: cursor_tuple_fraction will configure this kind of behavior:

The default value is 0.1, which means that PostgreSQL optimizes for the first 10%. The parameter can be changed easily in postgresql.conf just for your current session.

Using cursors across transactions

So far you have seen that a cursor can only be used inside a transaction. COMMIT or ROLLBACK will destroy the cursor. However, in some (usually rare) cases it can be necessary to have cursors, which actually are able to survive a transaction. Fortunately, PostgreSQL has a solution to the problem: WITH HOLD cursors.

Here is how it works:

As you can see the WITH HOLD cursor has been declared just like a normal cursor. The interesting part is the COMMIT: To make sure that the data can survive the transaction PostgreSQL has to materialize the result. Therefore, the COMMIT takes quite some time. However, the FETCH can now happen after the COMMIT:

If you are making use of WITH HOLD cursors you have to keep in mind that the cursor has to be closed as well. Otherwise your connection will keep accumulating new cursors and store the result.

Do you want to learn more about PostgreSQL and the optimizer in general consider? Check out one of our blog posts right now.


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Needless to say, security is a topic that nobody in the wider IT industry can ignore nowadays, with a constant flow of reports on data breaches of various scales. Most of such cases don’t result from direct attacks against databases though, but more from targeting Application / API / Webserver problems as database servers are usually just not directly exposed to the Internet. And even if they were, PostgreSQL installations at least have a good starting point there, as the default settings are sane enough to only listen to local connections by default, preventing from most embarrassing kind of headlines. But of course, PostgreSQL setups can also be compromised in many ways, so here’s a short listing of possible threats and some simple suggestions to mitigate those PostgreSQL security threats, if possible.

Unnecessary PostgreSQL superuser access - Security issue no. 1

This my friends, is the #1 point of danger in my opinion, so an appropriate time to repeat the classics - ”with great power comes great responsibility”. Superuser accounts are of course needed for maintenance so cannot be really disabled...but mostly they are vastly overused, even for simple things like normal schema evolution, which can be (mostly) perfectly managed with standard "owner privileges". But Ok, about the threats - there's the obvious: pumping out / dropping all table data. But the most important thing to remember – superusers can execute random commands on the OS level, under PostgreSQL process owner privileges. The easiest way to do that is to use the relatively unknown PROGRAM variation of the COPY command, which is also nicely documented as such. Some other methods to achieve the same that are quite hidden and sneaky:

This attack assumes that the server has been setup for passwordless communication / data transfer over SSH using default settings (which is very common). The trick itself is disturbingly easy - just create a table with a single text field and execute something like that:

The rest should be obvious - copy the key to a local RSA key file...and “ssh” to the machine. Given here you know the operating system user under which Postgres is running – most often it will be the default “postgres” or the key itself could include it. From there a malicious use can easily find some security holes on old unpatched systems and possibly advance to “root”, doing additional harm outside of PostgreSQL, meaning possible “game over” situation for the whole business. FYI - “COPY PROGRAM” works with Postgres 9.3 and newer, and sadly there’s no configuration flag to disable it. Functionality is only available to superusers though.

When archiving is enabled, this seemingly innocent parameter can be abused to do nasty things. An example:

From version 10 onward, it’s possible to define “virtual” tables that gather data from an external program’s output, with “legal” use cases encompassing reading compressed files and maybe some Webservice usage...but the command could be abused the same way as with previous example, Postgres just executes the command “as is”.

When for example PL/Pythonu is installed it also childs' play to execute random commands:

Mitigation: as limiting superuser actions is very difficult (the provided threat examples, excluding COPY PROGRAM, can be mitigated with careful setup though) so the only real strategy is - applications should be designed so that superuser access is not needed. And this should be very doable for 99% of users as for example fully managed PostgreSQL services, where you never get superuser access, have become quite popular among developers. Basic principle – hand out superuser access only to those who have physical server access also, as one can basically draw an equality sign between the two (see the above section about COPY PROGRAM).

Brute force password guessing - another security threat

Second place on my personal threat list goes to weak passwords. What makes up for a weak password is probably debatable...but for me they are some shortish (<10 chars) words or names taken from English speaking domain, combined maybe with some number, i.e. anything that is too short and not randomly generated. The problem is that for such password there are quite some “top” lists available for download after some short Googling, like the “Top 1 Million most common passwords” here.

So, what can you do with such lists in PostgreSQL context? Well, quite a bit...given that by default Postgres weirdly enough has no protection against brute-force password guessing! And brute force is extremely easy to perform, for example with something like that (disclaimer: you might get into trouble if trying to run that on a database that you don’t control anyways):

Couldn’t be easier. On my laptop, connecting to ‘localhost’, the tool managed ~290 connection attempts per second...which is not too much though, being a generic framework. So with some simple (single-threaded only, leaving lots to improve) custom Go code I managed to double in short if you have a really weak password it could only take less than an hour before someones eyes will start glowing with excitement:)

Mitigation: 1) Use long, random passwords. 2) Install and configure the relatively unknown “auth_delay” contrib extension, that will halt the communication for a moment (configurable) in case a login attempt fails, making it slower to guess the passwords, even when opening many connections in parallel. Attention RDS Postgres users - funnily enough the extension is not whitelisted, so better make sure your passwords are good. 3) Actively monitor the server logs – doing full power brute-forcing generates many GB-s of logs per hour with FATAL entries, which should be picked up by a good monitoring setup.

Man in the middle attacks

Out of the box PostgreSQL is not immune to this quite a known security risk, where the main threat is that with some work someone can intercept / proxy all communication and also reverse engineer the password hashes (given default md5 hashes used) when they have access to the network for longer periods.

Mitigation: 1) As a minimum force SSL connections. Just remember that enabling “ssl” in the postgresql.conf doesn’t cut it, it needs to be enforced additionally also in the pg_hba.conf. 2) Phase out “md5” passwords in favor of the newer and more secure “scram-sha-256” - not all drivers sadly support it still as it's relatively new :/ 3) When highest confidence is needed – employ certificates i.e. use “verify-ca“ or “verify-full” SSL modes when connecting.

Loose backups or logs

That’s a classic mistake. I’ve seen plenty of setups with very tight “online” access...but where at the end of the day Postgres backups or server logs (server logs can possibly also contain plain text passwords!) are placed onto a backup server together with some application server logs where more people have access to them, to for example analyze some other aspects of application behaviour. In encrypted form this would be of course somewhat OK, but just using a different folder and hoping application is a disaster waiting to happen.

Mitigation: 1) Clearly separate database backups / logs from anything else so that only DBAs would have access. 2) Use "at rest" encryption.

Disk space attack

This one might be also a minor one as it assumes a malicious inside job or an accident by non-aware Postgres user. The fact is that at default settings, all users with login rights, even the normal unprivileged ones, could create both persistent and temporary objects (mostly tables) in the default "public" schema. That is of course not bad "per se" and adds convenience but can again be abused - to create a table and insert so many rows into it (think generate_series) that server IO is depleted, or the disk space runs eventually out and Postgres crashes.

Mitigation: 1) Don't use "public" schema at all for important applications and create app specific schemas. 2) When already using "public" schema, then for those systems where temporary / auxiliary tables should actually not be needed for normal users, one should strip the CREATE rights from everyone besides maybe the schema owner. In SQL this would be something like:

3) For more or less similar reasons also set the "temp_file_limit" parameter to some reasonably low value. The parameter controls how much disk space all temporary files of a query can maximally occupy. This is relevant only for transparent temp files caused by heavy queries though.

Distributed Denial of Service attacks for publicly exposed DBs

As a last threat, as with any services accessible over the Internet, also databases could fall under a DDoS attack if you have managed to annoy some competing companies or interest groups enough. And here actually there’s nothing that can be done on the Postgres side – even when you’ll configure the Host-based access config (pg_hba.conf) to “reject” all connection attempts from all unwanted IP ranges, it would be too much for the server to handle. This kind of filtering needs to happen one level lower in the stack, but luckily there are lots of software products / services acting as gateways to your DB (just Google “cloud based ddos protection”) filtering packets coming from known botnets and such. Some IaaS providers on who's hardware your VMs are possibly running also have some basic protection often built-in. With DDoS the only consolidation is that you’re not losing any data but "just" revenue / customers.

Mitigation: 1) Try to avoid direct public access to your database. 2) Invest in some anti-DDoS service.

So that was my security checklist. Hope it made you think and maybe also go and check / change some server settings 🙂 Thanks for reading and please let me know in the comments section if I missed something important.

Read on to find out the latest about PostgreSQL and security: investigate our security tag archive.

count(*) in a children's rhyme
 © Laurenz Albe 2019


It is a frequent complaint that count(*) is so slow on PostgreSQL.

In this article I want to explore the options you have to get your result as fast as possible. Added bonus: I'll show you how to estimate query result counts.

Why is count(*) so slow?

Most people have no trouble understanding that the following is slow:

After all, it is a complicated query, and PostgreSQL has to calculate the result before it knows how many rows it will contain.

But many people are appalled if the following is slow:

Yet if you think again, the above still holds true: PostgreSQL has to calculate the result set before it can count it. Since there is no “magical row count” stored in a table (like it is in MySQL's MyISAM), the only way to count the rows is to go through them.

So count(*) will normally perform a sequential scan of the table, which can be quite expensive.

Is the “*” in count(*) the problem?

The “*” in SELECT * FROM ... is expanded to all columns. Consequently, many people think that using count(*) is inefficient and should be written count(id) or count(1) instead.

But the “*” in count(*) is quite different, it just means “row” and is not expanded at all (actually, that is a “zero-argument aggregate”). Writing count(1) or count(id) are actually slower than count(*), because they have to test if the argument IS NULL or not (count, like most aggregates, ignores NULL arguments).

So there is nothing to be gained by avoiding the “*”.

Using an index only scan

It is tempting to scan a small index rather than the whole table to count the number of rows.
However, this is not so simple in PostgreSQL because of its multi-version concurrency control strategy. Each row version (“tuple”) contains the information to which database snapshot it is visible. But this information is not (redundantly) stored in the indexes. So it usually isn't enough to count the entries in an index, because PostgreSQL has to visit the table entry (“heap tuple”) to make sure an index entry is visible.

To mitigate this problem, PostgreSQL has introduced the visibility map, a data structure that stores if all tuples in a table block are visible to everybody or not.
If most table blocks are all-visible, an index scan doesn't need to visit the heap tuple often to determine visibility. Such an index scan is called “index only scan”, and with that it is often faster to scan the index to count the rows.

Now it is VACUUM that maintains the visibility map, so make sure that autovacuum runs often enough on the table if you want to use a small index to speed up count(*).

Using an aggregate table

I wrote above that PostgreSQL does not store the row count in the table.

Maintaining such a row count would be an overhead that every data modification has to pay for a benefit that no other query can reap. This would be a bad bargain. Moreover, since different queries can see different row versions, the counter would have to be versioned as well.

But there is nothing that keeps you from implementing such a row counter yourself.
Suppose you want to keep track of the number of rows in the table mytable. You can do that as follows:

We do everything in a single transaction so that no data modifications by concurrent transactions can be “lost” due to race conditions.
This is guaranteed because CREATE TRIGGER locks the table in SHARE ROW EXCLUSIVE mode, which prevents all concurrent modifications.
The down side is of course that all concurrent data modifications have to wait until the SELECT count(*) is done.

This provides us with a really fast alternative to count(*), but at the price of slowing down all data modifications on the table. Using a deferred constraint trigger will make sure that the lock on the row in mytable_count is held as short as possible to improve concurrency.

Even though this counter table might receive a lot of updates, there is no danger of “table bloat” because these will all be HOT updates.

Do you really need count(*)

Sometimes the best solution is to look for an alternative.

Often an approximation is good enough and you don't need the exact count. In that case you can use the estimate that PostgreSQL uses for query planning:

This value is updated by both autovacuum and autoanalyze, so it should never be much more than 10% off. You can reduce autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor for that table so that autoanalyze runs more often there.

Estimating query result counts

Up to now, we have investigated how to speed up counting the rows of a table.

But sometimes you want to know how many rows a SELECT statement will return without actually running it.

Obviously the only way to get an exact answer to this is to execute the query. But if an estimate is good enough, you can use PostgreSQL's optimizer to get it for you.

The following simple function uses dynamic SQL and EXPLAIN to get the execution plan for the query passed as argument and returns the row count estimate:

Do not use this function to process untrusted SQL statements, since it is by nature vulnerable to SQL injection.

Further Reading

For further information on this topic, see Hans' blog post about Speeding up count(*): Why you shouldn't use max(id) – min(id)

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