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Christoph Berg

PostgreSQL Developer & Consultant
Christoph is a Senior PostgreSQL Engineer at CYBERTEC. He's also a PostgreSQL Major Contributor and Debian developer. In his free time, he's a ham radio operator. He enjoys morse telegraphy contests and DXing to remote countries, is a modestly successful bridge player and an occasional geocacher. icon

Articles by Christoph Berg

Git Filters

by Christoph Berg | 05.2024
Nowadays, most Debian packages are maintained in Git repositories, with the majority hosted on Debian's GitLab instance at is […] 2024 in Munich

by Christoph Berg | 04.2024
As the two talks I had submitted did not get picked for this year´s 2024 in Munich, my prep […]

Recovering Deleted Data From PostgreSQL Tables

by Christoph Berg | 03.2024
PostgreSQL is very good at keeping your data safe so it doesn't disappear by itself. Unfortunately, the same holds in […]

FOSDEM 2024 in Brussels

by Christoph Berg | 02.2024
FOSDEM 2024 and I was there! What is "FOSDEM"? In this blog post, I would like to tell you more […]

The 2023 PGconf.EU in Prague

by Christoph Berg | 12.2023
The PGconf.EU 2023 in Prague is always something special. Most of CYBERTEC's employees are spread over central and Eastern Europe, […]

PostgreSQL on s390x

by Christoph Berg | 11.2023
Debian has a long history of supporting diverse machine architectures, but the number of architectures supported on, the repository […]

Exclusion constraints in PostgreSQL and a tricky problem

by Christoph Berg | 09.2023
Exclusion constraints are a feature that is not very well known, but can be used to implement highly sophisticated constraints. […]

Reproducible builds: a PostgreSQL query optimization example

by Christoph Berg | 07.2023
This post shows how to optimize a slow query that came out of the Reproducible Builds project. The Reproducible Builds […]
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