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Pavlo Golub

Senior Developer & Consultant
Pavlo is a PostgreSQL expert and developer at CYBERTEC. He's been working with PostgreSQL since 2002. He has an M.Ed. with an emphasis in Mathematics and Computer Science from the Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University, and previously worked as a professor at the Kirovograd Medical Professional College. He is the co-founder of PostgreSQL Ukraine. He develops and maintains the PostgreSQL tools PGWatch2 and pg_timetable.
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Articles by Pavlo Golub

Choose plpgsql variable names wisely

by Pavlo Golub | 03.2019
Pavel Stehule recently wrote the post "Don't use SQL keywords as PLpgSQL variable names" describing the situation when internal stored […]

Keyword mess

by Pavlo Golub | 01.2019
I once received a mail with question: Can you tell me why I can't select the column references? [crayon-66e434f28c719905920396/]   […]

Building PostgreSQL with MSYS2 and MinGW under Windows

by Pavlo Golub | 05.2018
Preface There are several ways of building PostgreSQL under Windows. Official manual stands using Visual Studio is the simplest one, […]
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