UPDATED June 2023: What are hint bits in PostgreSQL? Hint bits improve PostgreSQL performance - find out why and how. Includes code examples.
UPDATED Sept. 2023 - A couple of years ago I stumbled over an interesting PostgreSQL issue which is commonly known as “cross correlation”.
The PostgreSQL planner optimizes your queries, and mostly does it right. The question is: How to figure out when & where things do go wrong?
Frequently PostgreSQL client applications are flooded with log messages from the server. Correct this by changing the server configuration.
How to store and process IP addresses in an efficient way. To do so PostgreSQL provides us with data types by casting integer.
The goal of the PostgreSQL optimizer is to provide a plan which executes as fast as possible & returns all the data as rapidly as possible.
How to use an operator to work with regular expressions in PostgreSQL: includes list and a case-sensitive example. Fun with coding PostgreSQL
When data is changed generally the change must be written to the xlog before it is written to the underlying table.
PostgreSQL replication requires changing the wal_level from “minimal” to “hot_standby”. What er the impacts? Read out more.
When it comes to performance, people tend to forget some basic topics entirely. One of those topics is the impact of writing log files.
Setting max_connections to an insanely high value is not good for performance. I tried it, to see what impact it has in PostgreSQL.
After testing shared_buffers recently, I decided to do a little more testing on our new office desktop PC (8 core […]
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