Tag: backup

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Recovering Deleted Data From PostgreSQL Tables

by Christoph Berg | 03.2024
PostgreSQL is very good at keeping your data safe so it doesn't disappear by itself. Unfortunately, the same holds in […]

pg_resetwal: When to reset the WAL in PostgreSQL

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 10.2023
pg_resetwal (formerly known as pg_resetxlog) is a command provided by PostgreSQL which allows you to reset the WAL (Write Ahead […]

Dealing with streaming replication conflicts in PostgreSQL

by Laurenz Albe | 11.2020
  Streaming replication in PostgreSQL is a well-established master-slave replication technique. It is simple to set up, stable and performs […]

recovery.conf is gone in PostgreSQL v12

by Laurenz Albe | 12.2019
  The biggest change in PostgreSQL v12 from the viewpoint of backward compatibility is that recovery.conf has been absorbed into […]

Never lose a PostgreSQL transaction with pg_receivewal

by Laurenz Albe | 10.2019
    “Durability”, the D of ACID, demands that a committed database transaction remains committed, no matter what. For normal […]

pgBackRest to backup PostgreSQL

by CYBERTEC Guest | 08.2019
written by Granthana Biswas pgBackRest is an open source backup tool for PostgreSQL which offers easy configuration and reliable backups. […]

"Exclusive backup" method is deprecated - what now?

by Laurenz Albe | 02.2019
  UPDATE 12.07.2022: The “exclusive backup” method of calling pg_start_backup('label') before backup and pg_stop_backup() afterwards has been removed in PostgreSQL […]

Verifying PostgreSQL replicas

by CYBERTEC Guest | 10.2017
BY Kaarel Moppel - Although Postgres is a great all-around product that can’t be beaten in price-performance ratio, there’s one […]

Managing backup speed with pg_basebackup

by Hans-Jürgen Schönig | 01.2015
pg_basebackup and backup speed: In the past couple of years, replication has been made easier and easier. Setting up streaming […]
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