HOT updates in PostgreSQL for better performance

09.2020 / Category: / Tags: |
HOT updates are for free!
© Laurenz Albe 2020

UPDATED blog article on 09.01.2023
HOT updates are not a new feature. They were introduced by commit 282d2a03dd in 2007 and first appeared in PostgreSQL 8.3.

But since HOT is not covered by the PostgreSQL documentation (although there is a README.HOT in the source tree), it is not as widely known as it should be: Hence this article that explains the concept, shows HOT in action and gives tuning advice.

What is HOT?

HOT is an acronym for “Heap Only Tuple” (and that made a better acronym than Overflow Update CHaining). It is a feature that overcomes some of the inefficiencies of how PostgreSQL handles UPDATEs.

Problems with PostgreSQL's implementation of UPDATE

PostgreSQL implements multiversioning by keeping the old version of the table row in the table – an UPDATE adds a new row version (“tuple”) of the row and marks the old version as invalid.
In many respects, an UPDATE in PostgreSQL is not much different from a DELETE followed by an INSERT.


normal update


This has a lot of advantages:

  • no need for an extra storage area where old row versions are kept
  • ROLLBACK does not have to undo anything and is very fast
  • no overflow problem with transactions that modify many rows

But it also has some disadvantages:

  • old, obsolete (“dead”) tuples have to be removed from the table eventually (VACUUM)
  • heavily updated tables can become “bloated” with dead tuples
  • every update requires new index entries to be added, even if no indexed attribute is modified, and modifying an index is much more expensive than modifying the table (order has to be maintained)

Essentially, UPDATE-heavy workloads are challenging for PostgreSQL. This is the area where HOT updates help. Since PostgreSQL v12, we can extend PostgreSQL to define alternative way to persist tables. zheap, which is currently work in progress, is an implementation that should handle UPDATE-heavy workloads better.

An UPDATE example

Let's create a simple table with 235 rows:

This table is slightly more than one 8KB block long. Let's look at the physical address (“current tuple ID” or ctid) of each table row:

The ctid consists of two parts: the “block number”, starting at 0, and the “line pointer” (tuple number within the block), starting at 1.
So the first 226 rows fill block 0, and the last 9 are in block 1.

Let's run an UPDATE:

The new row version was added to block 1, which still has free space.

How HOT updates work

To understand HOT, let's recapitulate the layout of a table page in PostgreSQL:

The array of “line pointers” is stored at the beginning of the page, and each points to an actual tuple. This indirect reference allows PostgreSQL to reorganize a page internally without changing the outside appearance.

A Heap Only Tuple is a tuple that is not referenced from outside the table block. Instead, a “forwarding address” (its line pointer number) is stored in the old row version:


HOT updates


That only works if the new and the old version of the row are in the same block. The external address of the row (the original line pointer) remains unchanged. To access the heap only tuple, PostgreSQL has to follow the “HOT chain” within the block.

Advantages of HOT updates

There are two main advantages of HOT updates:

  • PostgreSQL doesn't have to modify indexes.Since the external address of the tuple stays the same, the original index entry can still be used. Index scans follow the HOT chain to find the appropriate tuple.
  • Dead tuples can be removed without the need for VACUUM.If there are several HOT updates on a single row, the HOT chain grows longer. Now any backend that processes a block and detects a HOT chain with dead tuples (even a SELECT!) will try to lock and reorganize the block, removing intermediate tuples. This is possible, because there are no outside references to these tuples.This greatly reduces the need for VACUUM for UPDATE-heavy workloads.

Requirements for HOT updates

There are two conditions for HOT updates to be used:

  • there must be enough space in the block containing the updated row
  • there is no index defined on any column whose value it modified

The second condition is not obvious and is required by the current implementation of the feature.

Using fillfactor on tables to get HOT updates

You can make sure that the second condition from above is satisfied, but how can you make sure that there is enough free space in table blocks? For that, we have the storage parameter fillfactor. It is a value between 10 and 100 and determines to which percentage INSERTs will fill a table block. If you choose a value less than the default 100, you can make sure that there is enough room for HOT updates in each table block.

The best value for fillfactor will depend on the size of the average row (larger rows need lower values) and the workload.

Note that setting fillfactor on an existing table will not rearrange the data, it will only apply to future INSERTs. But you can use VACUUM (FULL) or CLUSTER to rewrite the table, which will respect the new fillfactor setting.

There is a simple way to see if your setting is effective and if you get HOT updates:

This will show cumulative counts since the last time you called the function pg_stat_reset().
Check if n_tup_hot_upd (the HOT update count) grows about as fast as n_tup_upd (the update count) to see if you get the HOT updates you want.

An example of HOT updates

Let's change the fillfactor for our table and repeat the experiment from above:

This time there are fewer tuples in block 0, and some space is still free.

Let's run the UPDATE again and see how it looks this time:

The updated row was written into block 0 and was a HOT update.


HOT updates are the one feature that can enable PostgreSQL to handle a workload with many UPDATEs.
In UPDATE-heavy workloads, it can be a life saver to avoid indexing the updated columns and setting a fillfactor of less than 100.

If you are interested in performance measurements for HOT updates, look at this article by Kaarel Moppel.


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13 responses to “HOT updates in PostgreSQL for better performance”

  1. Hello! I know this article is kind of old but I'm left wondering, what happens when the block eventually fills?

    As seen in the final experiment, the HOT update inserts the updated value at the latest available block space (0,159). Now, if I make a lot of updates, then the block will eventually fill, what happens then? Is the updated value inserted in the last available space on the next block? if that's so, what happens to the index?

    Thanks for making this really informative post!:)

    • An INSERT will never fill the block if the fillfactor is less than 100.
      If there is not enough room in any of the existing pages, PostgreSQL will extend the table.
      HOT update only applies to updates. There is no guarantee that HOT update is used: if there is not enough room in the same page, PostgreSQL will perform a regular UPDATE and modify the index.

  2. Thanks for the good article. You said "Dead tuples can be removed without the need for VACUUM.", can a snapshot conflict arise if there is a query running on the slave when HOT Pruning is executed in msater?

    • Yes, absolutely, because it removes row versions.
      You can consider setting hot_standby_feedback = on on the standby or vacuum_defer_cleanup_age to a value greater than 0 on the primary to reduce the number of snapshot conflicts.

  3. Assuming that the fill-factor is < 100 and the block gets completely filled due to a lot of HOT updates, can the block get free space back after vacuum runs to accommodate more HOT updates in future? Thanks for the wonderful article!

  4. Hi,

    Thanks for the great article. I have some open questions. Could you please clarify it?

    - A sample query is provided in the article to see if settings would be effective or not. So could you please guide me what ratio of (n_tup_upd / n_tup_hot_upd) means to go for hot updates? Would ratio (n_tup_upd = 517,244,309 / n_tup_hot_upd = 39,062,809) ~13 means to spend effort for enabling hot update?
    - Would enabling hot updates have impact on read performance?
    - Regarding this point "there is no index defined on any column whose value it modified", would this mean that a table should only have indices whose value can't be modified? For instance, a table can have 2 indices. For one of the indices, it's ensured that its value wouldn't change. But there is no guarantee for the other index.

    • In your example, less than a tenth of the UPDATEs are HOT. So you could expect performance improvements by HOT updates.

      HOT updates don't directly influence read performance. But they keep index fragmentation low, which can benefit index range scans.

      You can modify an indexed column, but then you won't get a HOT update. The goal is not necessarily to make all updates become HOT. If updates of an indexed column are rare, it does not matter much. If you need an index on a column that is modified by most of the updates, you won't benefit from HOT. It is the old choice: speeding up reads can slow down writes and vice versa.

  5. Hi,

    Thanks for your response. I am playing with it to upderstand it better.

    So, I modified index column and I still have a hot update. Could you please tell me what am I doing wrong? Or did I misunderstand something?

    Here is a table definition:

    CREATE TABLE public.my_ages (
    age int8 NOT NULL,
    "name" varchar NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT my_ages_pkey PRIMARY KEY (age)
    WITH (
    CREATE INDEX my_ages_name_idx ON public.my_ages USING btree (name);

    and contains the following data

    INSERT INTO my_ages
    SELECT n, 'My name' || '-' || n
    FROM generate_series(1, 235) AS n;

    Original state (without update)

    "(0,1)",1,My name-1

    Now updating indexed colum results in HOT update.

    update my_ages
    set "name" = 'My awesome name 1'
    where "name" = 'My name-1'

    Now, fetching it

    SELECT ctid, *
    FROM my_ages ma
    where age = 1;

    OR via

    SELECT ctid, *
    FROM my_ages ma
    where "name" = 'My awesome name 1'

    gives the following results.

    "(0,110)",1,My awesome name 1 <---- here it is still updating this row on the same block.

  6. Hi,

    Thanks. So, if I understand it correctly ... the overall goal for this HOT update is to reduce (table & index) bloat. This improves overall performance of cluster.
    Is my understanding correct?

    I find it useful feature but I am still not able to understand this "not modifiying indexed column" condition completely. I am not sure the consequences after rolling it our to production system.

    I think bloating can also be controlled (or cleaned up) via "REINDEXING" (for indexes) or "Vacuuming" (for table) and can improve cluster performance. Correct?

  7. Correct, the goal is improved update performance, reduced index bloat and less need for autovacuum.

    About modifying an indexed column: A heap-only tuple is referenced from nowhere outside the page where it lives. That's why removing a dead heap-only tuple is so simple. Now if you update an indexed column, the index needs to get a new entry that references the tuple, so it is no longer a heap-only tuple.

    Sure, index bloat can also be combatted with REINDEX CONCURRENTLY, but that's an extra task you have to schedule.

    Do you already know that you will get in trouble without HOT updates or REINDEX? If not, my advice is to tune autovacuum to run fast on the table in question. Often that is good enough.

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