Tag: conference

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Swiss PGDay 2024 and PG conferences in general

by Laurenz Albe | 07.2024
I enjoy writing about the technical aspects of PostgreSQL, but occasionally it is good to write about other aspects of […]

Community feelings at P2D2 2024 

by Cornelia Biacsics | 06.2024
Last week, I had the privilege to accompany my colleagues, Jan Karremans, Pavlo Golub and Antonin Houska to the 16th […]

My trip to Zagreb: DORS/CLUC 2024

by Jan Karremans | 05.2024
It was in the afternoon of Tuesday that my trip commenced from Amsterdam Airport to Franjo Tuđman International Airport in […] 2024 in Munich

by Christoph Berg | 04.2024
As the two talks I had submitted did not get picked for this year´s 2024 in Munich, my prep […]

FOSDEM 2024 in Brussels

by Christoph Berg | 02.2024
FOSDEM 2024 and I was there! What is "FOSDEM"? In this blog post, I would like to tell you more […]

The 2023 PGconf.EU in Prague

by Christoph Berg | 12.2023
The PGconf.EU 2023 in Prague is always something special. Most of CYBERTEC's employees are spread over central and Eastern Europe, […]

Reflections on 2023

by Jan Karremans | 12.2023
Anticipation Coming to Prague was something that had been in my planning for quite a while. And what should have […]

PGSQL Phriday #014: Wrapping up!

by Pavlo Golub | 12.2023
PGSQL Phriday #014: PostgreSQL Events In my PGSQL Phriday #014 welcome post, I invited everyone to share their PostgreSQL event […]
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