As a little boy, I dreamed of becoming a supersonic jet pilot or an astronaut. I also yearned to pilot […]
PGConfEU2023 is over and a New Year has started. For those who did not manage to make it to Prague […]
  I recently investigated a surprising behavior of the DBeaver database client in connection with PostgreSQL parallel query, which I'd […]
In PostgreSQL, functions and procedures can be written in many different programming languages including but not limited to PL/pgSQL, PL/Perl, […]
The Cloud is here There is no getting around "The Cloud". We all know it, everybody is doing it!And, let’s […]
Because Who Needs Another Gold Statue Anyway? In the world of databases, where seriousness often reigns supreme... Well, you know […]
The PGconf.EU 2023 in Prague is always something special. Most of CYBERTEC's employees are spread over central and Eastern Europe, […]
One of the fundamental requirements for a relational database is that the transaction system always maintains consistency. That means that […]
Anticipation Coming to Prague was something that had been in my planning for quite a while. And what should have […]
© Laurenz Albe 2023 The PostgreSQL documentation is rather terse on the subject of minor upgrade. The reason is probably […]
  Among the many index types in PostgreSQL, the hash index is the most widely ignored. This came home to […]
PGSQL Phriday #014: PostgreSQL Events In my PGSQL Phriday #014 welcome post, I invited everyone to share their PostgreSQL event […]
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